GPS administers benchmarks in Math and Language Arts to grades 3 - 8. Each benchmark is approximately 30 questions and covered key concepts (ie. “standards” that are appropriate for the grade level).
The benchmarks cover a subset of the entirety of grade level standards and are those which have historically been important foundational skills for grade level success. The benchmarks are designed to be taken in the Fall, Winter and Spring so that students and teachers can gauge progress on grade level growth.
A list of the specific standards covered by each benchmark with illustrative practice activities (by subject and grade level) is available here. For additional detail on any of these standards, you may go to the Connecticut State Department of Education website.
How do I view the GPS/LinkIt Benchmark scores?
1. You may sort your child's record based on Subject, year, or Data Type.

2.. Choose Data Type and then select “Linkit” 
3. Click on a specific version (e.g. ELA Linkit! CCSS Form B)

4. Then click on the ‘+’ next to Detail

5. Clicking the '+' will reveal results for each of the standards.
6. If you hover over any of the standard codes you will see a description of the standard.

For additional information on any of these standards, you may go to the Connecticut State Department of Education website.
How do I interpret the scores?
The benchmark is designed for end of year standards so at the beginning of the year, the teacher can assess the relative areas of strength and areas of improvement for her class, for instructional planning only. This is not a test of mastery.
Do not be alarmed if your child did not score 100%. A 50% at mid year is appropriate because the benchmark is for year end standards. Students will get repeated exposure to these concepts throughout the year (spiraling) and some concepts have yet to be fully introduced.
As the year progresses, students should continue to increase their fluency in these skills.
I would like to give my child extra opportunities to develop their skills in the standards.
This document which lists the specific standards also links to IXL, a district wide product which provides specific practice material by grade by standard for both ELA and Math.