GPS Strategic Plan 2023-2028
The Greenwich Public Schools (GPS) 2023-2028 Strategic Plan, adopted by the Board of Education on February 2, 2023, is designed to achieve the Mission, Vision and Strategic Goals. Key Performance Indicators, Measures, and Targets Aligned to Each Goal Area are outlined in the adopted document.
Goal #1: Mastery of Reading
- Students will meet their individual SBA growth target.
- 4th Grade Mastery - 90% of all students in 4th grade who have been with GPS for 5 or more years will be reading on grade level.
- 8th Grade Mastery - 92% of all students in 8th grade who have been with GPS for 5 or more years will be reading on grade level.
- SAT - 59% of 11th grade students with high needs will score at or above Level 3 on the CT School Day SAT.
Goal #2: Mastery of Mathematics
- Students will meet their individual SBA growth target.
- Completion of Algebra I by 8th Grade - 75% of all students, who have been with GPS for 5 or more years, will successfully complete Algebra 1 by the end of the 8th grade.
- SBA - 80% of students in Grades 3-8 will score at or above Level 3.
- SAT - 80% of 11th-grade students will score at or above Level 3 on the CT SAT School Day.
Goal #3: Mastery of Science
- NGSS - 80% of 5th grade students will score at or above Level 3.
- NGSS - 80% of 8th grade students will score at or above Level 3.
- NGSS - 85% of 11th-grade students score at or above Level 3.
Goal #4: Graduation Rate
GHS will increase the graduation rate to 99%
Goal #5: Increase Family and Community Engagement
Families will feel a stronger sense of connection & support from GPS PK – 12+ Strengthen collaboration and communication with families and the community to build stronger relationships and increase opportunities that help students and families thrive.
Goal #6: Increase Student Sense of Belonging
Stronger Connection to GPS Students will feel a stronger connection to GPS and feel as though they have a trusting adult to support them in all schools and at all educational levels.
Goal #7: Increase Positive Working Environment for Teachers and Staff
Use professional learning to cultivate a responsive environment that meets the needs of all GPS Educators in order to continuously enhance teaching, extend learning, and support increased student outcomes. Strengthening staff well-being, professional support, and connections among GPS colleagues will result in improved student engagement and achievement as well as a positive working environment.
To read more about the work of the Strategic Plan Committee and its earlier iterations, please visit the Strategic Plan Committee webpage.
2024 GPS Climate Survey Results
- 2024 GPS Family Survey
- 2024 GPS Student Survey (Elementary / Secondary)
- 2024 GPS Staff Survey
- GPS State Report Card