In the Summer of 2016, environmental testing was conducted on soil samples from the Western Middle School (WMS) fields as requested by the State Department of Public Health (DPH). Preliminary oral reports received from Langan, the Town’s environmental consultant, indicate levels of environmental constituents that exceed the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CTDEEP) residential direct exposure criteria in portions of the fields. Concentrations of the constituents identified do not exceed Federal or State regulatory thresholds requiring immediate reporting or action. However, based on these results, and after initial consultation with the Town and State Departments of Public Health, the Western Middle School fields were closed until further notice as a precautionary measure. Although we are not obligated by State or Federal standards to close the fields based on these initials findings, Former First Selectman Peter J. Tesei and Interim Superintendent of Schools Salvatore Corda, agreed with Town DPH recommendations that it was in the best interest of students, families, staff and the community to close the fields until such time as a plan of action can be developed and implemented. Visit the Western Middle School Fields section of the website for more information and updates.