Student Portals
- Student Information System: Aspen
- Learning Management System: Schoology
- Schoology Help
- Aspen and Schoology for Secondary Students (6-12)
- Student Success Plans, College and Career Planning: Scoir
- Online Research Tools
Student Information System: Aspen
What is Aspen?
Aspen is the student information database where grades are posted.
Parents have access to a family account, where they can see information for all of their children:
Elementary (K-5) | Secondary (6-12) |
Questions about grades should be directed to the individual teacher.
If your contact information changes, parents should contact your school office.
The elementary standards-based grading system does not align with the Aspen gradebook, and thus elementary teachers do not post individual assignment grades there.
There is a link to Aspen in the Schoology account.
Secondary students have access to a personal Aspen account where they only see their own posted grades and information. Students having difficulties with accounts should contact the Library Media Specialist at school.
Aspen Help
- Student Login page:
- How to reach the Aspen system through Schoology for grades, schedule, attendance
- All secondary students should log in using their 9-digit student ID number and the password which they have chosen. Students who forget their password or need help setting up their passwords for the first time should see the Library Media Specialist at school.
Aspen & Schoology for Secondary Students
Learning Management System: Schoology
Schoology: Elementary (K-5)
Schoology is the learning management system where teachers link documents and resources, give quizzes, host discussions, and allow for online submissions of some assignments. This is not where posted grades are kept.
Some elementary teachers may use Schoology for homework, but they are not required to do so.
Students log into Schoology via
Questions about homework or posted items should be directed to the class teacher.
Schoology: Secondary (6-12)
Schoology is the learning management system where teachers post homework, link documents and resources, give quizzes, host discussions, and allow for online submissions of some assignments. This is not where posted grades are kept. Questions about homework or posted items should be directed to the class teacher.
Secondary students access Schoology via using their school email address. Students having difficulties with accounts should contact the Library Media Specialist at school.
Secondary parents have access to Schoology via and can see their children's homework and posted class resources.
Schoology Help
Aspen and Schoology for Secondary Students (6-12)
Student Success Plans, College and Career Planning: Scoir
What is Scoir
Greenwich High School welcomes students and parents to Scoir, pronounced “score”. Scoir is a secure web-based tool designed to assist students in making informed decisions about college opportunities and career choices. Scoir replaces Naviance at GHS. Scoir will continue to provide all of us with similar resources, and the interface is significantly more user-friendly for students, parents, faculty and staff. To access the GHS Scoir account, you must receive an invitation. Once students are registered, they can invite their parents. Please be patient as we transition to this new resource! Please contact the Guidance Assistant in your house for assistance.
Central, Eastern and Western Middle Schools continue to support students in goal setting, post high school planning, and career interest development through lessons delivered by the school counselors as well as classroom teachers, using tools including Google Classroom.
A Student Success Plan is an individualized profile of strengths, interests and milestones created by each student in collaboration with their school counselor, teachers, monitor, advisor or mentor, as well as their parents / guardians. This begins in the 6th grade and continues through 12th grade. It is designed to help every student actively plan for their future, and to achieve their post high school educational and career goals. Each student is provided assistance in setting goals for social, physical and academic growth, meeting rigorous learning expectations in the classroom, and exploring post high school education and career interests.
Scoir Help
Activate Your Account
Use the link provided on the Aspen homepage, or go to the link for your school:
To set up your student Naviance account you will enter your school email address. If you are new to Naviance, your password is your student ID. Your school guidance counselor can help you.
Download a description of Naviance features in English or Espanol.
Greenwich High School welcomes students and parents to Scoir, pronounced “score”. Scoir is a secure web-based tool designed to assist students in making informed decisions about college opportunities and career choices. Scoir replaces Naviance at GHS. Scoir will continue to provide all of us with similar resources, and the interface is significantly more user-friendly for students, parents, faculty and staff. To access the GHS Scoir account, you must receive an invitation. Once students are registered, they can invite their parents. Please be patient as we transition to this new resource! GHS teachers use Scoir to upload and submit letters of recommendation in the college admissions process. Please contact the Guidance Assistant in your house for assistance.
Central, Eastern and Western Middle Schools continue to support students in goal setting, post high school planning, and career interest development through lessons delivered by the school counselors as well as classroom teachers, using tools including Google Classroom.
A Student Success Plan is an individualized profile of strengths, interests and milestones created by each student in collaboration with their school counselor, teachers, monitor, advisor or mentor, as well as their parents / guardians. This begins in the 6th grade and continues through 12th grade. It is designed to help every student actively plan for their future, and to achieve their post high school educational and career goals. Each student is provided assistance in setting goals for social, physical and academic growth, meeting rigorous learning expectations in the classroom, and exploring post high school education and career interests.
Online Research Tools
Link to online research tools including World Book, PebbleGo, BrainPop, Follett Destiny, Discovery Education, Newsela, and much more.