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Western Middle School Fields

WMS Fields Ribbon Cutting

Project Summary: In the summer of 2016, environmental soil samples were collected from the WMS fields resulting in concentrations of environmental constituents that exceeded the Connecticut CTDEEP Residential Direct Exposure Criteria (RDEC) in portions of the fields. Although concentrations of the constituents identified exceeded the RDEC, they did not exceed Federal or State regulatory thresholds requiring immediate reporting or action at that time. However, after initial consultation with the Town and State Departments of Public Health, the fields were closed as a precautionary measure. Subsequent evaluation of the soils under the field completed in November 2016 identified concentrations of PCBs above CT’s RDEC of 1 mg/kg at three grid locations on the field. At one of the three locations, soil samples were reported to contain concentrations of PCBs above the CT significant environmental hazard (SEH) threshold of 15 mg/kg (15x the RDEC). PCBs were also determined to be above the concentrations allowed under the federal Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) and its implementing PCB regulations. These findings required consultation with the EPA. Since 2016, environmental testing of the WMS fields has been ongoing and has included continued consultation with CTDEEP, CTDPH, and EPA. To date, over 550 soil samples have been collected across the fields (to depths of 10 feet) to evaluate the extent of impacts at the athletic fields to help design an appropriate remedy for the site.

During the Spring of 2020, GPS joined the voluntary program for a Remediation Action Plan and has been working with both DEEP and EPA. During the summer of 2020, more testing was conducted across the field, and additional water sampling was conducted with newly installed monitoring wells, and an on-site visit was held. The soil analytical results were good and did not contain material above regulatory standards. The GPS team is working together with EPA and DEEP towards a final solution for the fields.

On Thursday, December 12, 2024, a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony was held, officially re-opening the fields for student and community use.  Local and state dignitaries, as well as the WMS 8th grade class, were on hand for this celebration.
