North Mianus School Project from Ceiling Failure
On Saturday, February 13, 2021, a plaster ceiling fell on a sprinkler pipe causing a significant flood as well as the collapse of the hung ceiling.
After a thorough investigation by an engineering consultant, the Town's Building Inspector, and our Facilities Team, the original building was closed to undergo extensive ceiling renovation. This was the front area of the building which flooded both the first floor and second floor. We continued to use the portions of the building that had been constructed more recently and were not impacted by the ceiling issue.
In late May 2021, both the BET and RTM met to discuss and vote on the funding for these repairs. We are grateful for their support in fully funding the project request. A contract was awarded with a start date of June 2021. All work associated with removal of the ceilings has been completed.
On December 20, 2021, students from the third, fourth, and fifth grades came back home from their 11-month absence, after taking a temporary residence in the former Trinity School in Stamford. Principal Angela Schmidt and Superintendent Toni Jones led a celebration, as students waved blue and yellow pompoms and entered the school building under a balloon arch. Greenwich Time legendary photographer, Tyler Sizemore, was on-hand to document the homecoming. Greenwich Time reporter, Ken Borsuk, also wrote an informative piece to review North Mianus’ plight from February through December 2021.
"The North Mianus repairs were completed thanks to a partnership among the Board of Education, the Board of Estimate & Taxation, and the Representative Town Meeting," GPS Superintendent of School Dr. Toni Jones said.
In mid-December, Director of School Facilities Dan Watson pointed out some of the amazing work by his staff and contractors to make North Mianus better and stronger.
Third, fourth, and fifth graders were relocated to the former-Trinity Catholic High School campus in Stamford (pictured above), while the kindergarten-second graders were able to stay at North Mianus School's main campus.
The top two images were taken in February 2021 shortly after the ceiling collapse, while the bottom two images were taken in October 2021 of some of the great construction work being done.