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CMS Field Improvements

The Central Middle School fields are managed and maintained by Parks and Recreation and are utilized/rented by the District’s physical education programs, intramurals, after school programs, sports, the Town’s park and recreation programs and the community.  Given the heavy use of these fields, and the need for increased time factors (i.e. additional playtime - the ability to gain more hours on fields) and improved playability (i.e. surficial improvements that result from proper drainage), Parks and Recreation initiated a recommendation that aligned with industry standards to improve the middle school fields and transitioned the efforts to BOE in 2018. At that juncture the BOE began the process of conducting a feasibility study on the fields at CMS to look at turf options (natural and synthetic).

Central Middle School Field Updates

Central Middle School field options presented at February 20, 2020 Board of Education Business Meeting.  The Board approved Option 4 by a 6-1-1 vote.

Preliminary Environmental Investigation at Central Middle School Greenwich, Ct - 7-31-19  MMI #5062-10-02

Letter to Students, Parents, Staff and Neighbors regarding project update 7-02-19