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CMS Building Evaluation

On December 12, 2021, Greenwich Public Schools contracted DTC, Inc. to perform a physical condition assessment of Central Middle School. On January 28, 2022, GPS received a Systems Evaluation report from DTC, Inc. for CMS. DTC’s assessment focuses on architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing conditions, and includes major and minor deferred maintenance activities. Our team includes Martin Benassi of Martin A. Benassi, AIA – Architect, LLC, for architectural and water proofing, and Martin Surveying Associates, LLC, for survey and monitoring of movement in existing facades.  The report confirmed that, generally, the facility does not conform to current CT Building Code standards.

We encourage you to read the recent history of Central Middle School studies and reports on file that will be updated on a regular basis when more information becomes available.


CMS Scaffolding and Netting 2022

Exterior view of CMS gymnasium with scaffolding and netting

This scaffolding, or bridging, is a safety precaution in order to protect parts of the outside of the building from coming loose and falling on the ground below.

Exterior view of CMS gymnasium with scaffolding and netting

This scaffolding, or bridging, is a safety precaution in order to protect parts of the outside of the building from coming loose and falling on the ground below.

Exterior view of CMS gymnasium with scaffolding and netting

This scaffolding, or bridging, is a safety precaution in order to protect parts of the outside of the building from coming loose and falling on the ground below.

Exterior view of CMS gymnasium with scaffolding and netting

This scaffolding, or bridging, is a safety precaution in order to protect parts of the outside of the building from coming loose and falling on the ground below.

Exterior view of CMS gymnasium with scaffolding and netting

This scaffolding, or bridging, is a safety precaution in order to protect parts of the outside of the building from coming loose and falling on the ground below.

February 9, 2022 CMS PTA Meeting with Dr. Jones, Mr. Healy, and Mr. Watson