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Central Middle School Building Committee

Central Middle School Ground Breaking

Since our first CMS Building Committee meeting (“CMSBC”) on July 11, 2022, we continue to move forward in our mission: to fulfill the requirements of the Educational Specifications and working groups and to open the doors of the new CMS in Summer 2026. The project is on schedule and members have been working in sub-committees to ensure we meet all deadlines. Our Committee includes financial executives, an attorney, and several construction and architectural industry professionals. All have volunteered their time, skills, and experience to steward this crucial project and its budget. In addition, the Committee also includes members from the Board of Education, the Board of Selectmen, the Board of Estimate and Taxation, the Representative Town Meeting, the Department of Public Works, and the Planning and Zoning Commission, as well as liaisons from the Board of Selectmen’s Energy Management Advisory Committee, the Advisory Committee for People with Disabilities and neighborhood.

CMSBC’s Seventh Community Engagement Forum - October 29, 2024

Artist rendering of the exterior of the new CMS building