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The “Difference Maker” recognition is a Greenwich Public Schools initiative to recognize those staff members who have made an overwhelming impact on the lives of others inside and outside of our schools.

nominate a difference maker

The “Difference Maker” award is presented monthly to full or part-time employees who, through their unique commitment and humanitarian spirit, have made exceptional and lasting contributions to the GPS community through one life-changing event, extraordinary long-lasting efforts, or making a difference in the lives of others every single day.

Now, you can nominate that special GPS difference maker from one of our 15 schools, off-site programs Windrose and Community Connections, or the Central Office, who made a positive difference in the lives of our students, families, and their colleagues. 

Simply, fill out this form and provide specific details of the difference making actions of your nominee. Difference Makers will be announced each month during the school year.

Please know that your comments may be shared publicly if your nominee is selected.

This honor is open to all employees of Greenwich Public Schools, full or part time, in good standing, pending a human resources review. It excludes contractors or employees of other town agencies. Nominators can be staff, families, students, or community members.

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