The Greenwich Public Schools are committed to providing accurate and timely information to the community.
Check the GPS Websites regularly for:
- Announcements: school delays, closings, early dismissals, Open House dates, etc.
- Board and Board Committee Meetings, Agendas, and Minutes
- GPS Strategic Plan Updates
- Policies and Procedures
- Curriculum and Program Information
- Calendars: School, Board of Education, etc.
Watch GPS-TV for:
- Monthly Board meetings
- GPS Public Forums
- Distinguished Teachers Awards Ceremony
- Community Service Awards Ceremony
Attend Board of Education Meetings and/or Visit BoardDocs for:
- Information on Curriculum and Instruction
- Current policies under review
- Annual budget development
- Facilities project updates
- Reports and updates on programs, assessments and research
Read ParentLink Messages:
ParentLink is our electronic mass communication system. It is used by the District and School leaders to communicate important information to parents, including emergency alerts. The main telephone number and email address parents provide as part of the registration process are accessed for this communication resource. Please be sure you provide up to date contact information to your child's school office staff in order to ensure timely receipt of information.
Communications Office
290 Greenwich Avenue
Greenwich, CT 06830
Telephone: 203-625-7415