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Accessing Hybrid BOE Meetings

In accordance with State of Connecticut House Bill 5269 (April 28, 2022), public Board of Education meetings may be held virtually through Zoom teleconference. 

At designated meetings (The next meeting with public comment is the February 20, 2025 Business Meeting - link will go live on Friday, February 14, 2025) members of the public can address the Board in real time by submitting the Public Comment Speaker Form prior to 12 noon the day of the meeting.  Comments will be both live and virtual, but all speakers must sign up via the form. 

Each speaker will be allotted three minutes. Each speaker may address the Board only once per meeting.

Members of the public are encouraged to send their thoughts and opinions to the Board at any time at

Below, please find options and instructions on how to access Board of Education virtual meetings.  A recording of Board meetings are made available within seven (7) days on the Board of Education YouTube Channel, on the primary Board of Education page, and on the GPS E-Governance Platform.

How to Join a GPS BOE Meeting Virtually

Any member of the public can join the Thursday, February 16, 2025 meeting at the designated start time using the meeting specific Zoom link ( OR by dialing 646-558-8656 and entering the meeting specific Meeting ID: (885 0098 4845). 

Any questions regarding accessing the meeting? Contact BOE Clerk Michael Antonaccio by email at

Public Notices Posted Since March 14, 2019